Terms and Conditions


General terms of business

General Terms and Conditions have been prepared in accordance with the Consumer Protection Act (Slovenia, ZVPot-OCT2), based on recommendations of the Chamber of Commerce and international codes for e-commerce.

The website ‘AteljeDuka.com’ is operated by Dubravka Šorel s.p., Partizanska ulica 2, 6330 Piran, Slovenija (referred to as ‘provider’).

The General Terms and Conditions deal with the operation of Atelje Duka, user rights and the business relationship between the provider and the customer.

Pogoji poslovanja

Splošni pogoji spletnega mesta Atelje Duka studio so sestavljeni v skladu z Zakonom o varstvu potrošnikov (ZVPot-UPB2), na podlagi priporočil GZS in mednarodnih kodeksov za e-poslovanje. 

S spletnim mestom Atelje Duka (v nadaljevanju »Atelje Duka«) upravlja Umetnostna obrt Dubravka Šorel s.p., Partizanska ulica 2, 6330 Piran (v nadaljevanju »ponudnik«).

Splošni pogoji poslovanja obravnavajo delovanje Atelje Duka, pravice uporabnika ter poslovni odnos med ponudnikom in kupcem.


Availability of information

Availability of information (summary of legislation). The provider undertakes to always provide the buyer with the following information: a) identity of the company (name and registered office, register number), b) contact details that enable the user to communicate quickly and efficiently (e-mail, telephone), c) the essential characteristics of the products (including after-sales services and guarantees), d) product availability (any product offered on the website should be available within a reasonable time), e) conditions of delivery of products (method, place and time of delivery), f) all prices must be clearly and unambiguously set and it must be clearly indicated whether they already include taxes and transport costs, g) method of payment and delivery, h) time validity of the offer, i) the period within which it is still possible to withdraw from the contract and the conditions for withdrawal; in addition, if and how much it costs the buyer to return the item, j) an explanation of the complaint procedure, including all details of the contact person or customer service.

Dostopnost informacij

(povzetek zakonodaje)

Ponudnik se zavezuje, da bo kupcu vselej zagotovil naslednje informacije: a) identiteto podjetja (ime in sedež podjetja, številka registra), b) kontaktne podatke, ki uporabniku omogočajo hitro in učinkovito komunikacijo (e-pošta, telefon), c) bistvene značilnosti izdelkov (vključno s poprodajnimi storitvami in garancijami), d) dostopnost izdelkov (vsak izdelek, ki je v ponudbi na spletnem mestu, naj bi bil dostopen v razumljivem roku), e) pogoje dostave izdelkov (način, kraj in rok dostave), f) vse cene morajo biti jasno in nedvoumno določene in razvidno mora biti prikazano, ali že vsebujejo davke in stroške prevoza, g) način plačila in dostave, h) časovno veljavnost ponudbe, i) rok, v katerem je še možno odstopiti od pogodbe in pogojih za odstop; poleg tega tudi o tem, če in koliko stane kupca vračilo artikla, j) pojasnilo postopka ob pritožbi, vključno z vsemi podatki o kontaktni osebi ali službi za stike s kupci.


Product range and availability

Due to the nature of online business, the products on offer at Atelje Duka.com are updated and changed frequently. The online price is the price valid for online purchase in the case of 100% payment through the website.

Ponudba izdelkov

Zaradi narave poslovanja preko spleta se ponudba Atelje Duka ažurira in spreminja pogosto in hitro.

Spletna cena je cena, ki velja za nakup preko spleta v primeru 100 % plačila na spletni strani.


Payment Methods

The provider allows the following methods of payment: we accept most major cards via our payment partner Stripe (for cards accepted see Stripe documentation. N.B. Visa, Mastercard, American Express and many more). The provider issues an order confirmation to the customer's e-mail address, with a breakdown of costs and instructions on how to withdraw from the purchase and return the products, if necessary and possible. The sales contract (order) is stored in electronic form on the provider's server and is accessible to the customer. The buyer receives the invoice upon receipt of the ordered products.

Načini plačila

Ponudnik omogoča naslednje načine plačila: plačilo za kartico preko našega partnerja Stripe, sprejemamo vse večje kartice (za kartice, ki jih sprejemamo si lahko preberete na spletni strani našega partnerja Stripe). Ponudnik kupcu izda potrdilo naročila na njegov elektronski naslov , z razčlenjenimi stroški in navodili, kako odstopiti od nakupa in izdelke vrniti, če je to potrebno in mogoče. Kupoprodajna pogodba (naročilo) je v elektronski obliki shranjena na strežniku ponudnika in kupcu dostopna v vsakem trenutku. Račun kupec prejme ob prevzemu naročenih izdelkov.



The online price is valid for all visitors and users of Atelje Duka. Prices do not include VAT, as the bidder is not liable for VAT under paragraph 1 of Article 94 of ZDDV-1. Prices are valid at the time of placing the order and do not have a predetermined validity. Prices are valid in case of payment with the above payment methods, under the above conditions. Despite efforts to provide the most up-to-date and accurate information, price information may be inaccurate. In this case, the provider will allow the customer to withdraw from the purchase, and at the same time the provider will offer the customer a solution that will go to mutual satisfaction. The purchase contract between the provider and the buyer is concluded at the moment when the provider and the buyer receive an electronic message about the order of products. From this moment on, all prices and other conditions are fixed and apply to both the provider and the buyer.


Spletna cena velja za vse obiskovalce in uporabnike Atelje Duka. Cene ne vsebujejo DDV, saj ponudnik ni zavezanec za DDV po 1.odstavku 94.člena ZDDV-1. Cene veljajo v trenutku oddaje naročila in nimajo v naprej določene veljavnosti. Cene veljajo v primeru plačila z zgoraj navedenimi načini plačila, pod zgoraj navedenimi pogoji. Kljub prizadevanju, da bi zagotovili najbolj ažurne in točne podatke, se lahko zgodi, da je podatek o ceni napačen. V tem primeru, bo ponudnik kupcu omogočil odstop od nakupa, hkrati pa bo ponudnik kupcu ponudil rešitev, ki bo šla v obojestransko zadovoljstvo. Kupoprodajna pogodba med ponudnikom in kupcem je sklenjena v trenutku, ko ponudnik in kupec prejmeta elektronsko sporočilo o naročilu izdelkov (potrdilo naročila). Od tega trenutka so vse cene in drugi pogoji fiksirani in veljajo tako za ponudnika kot za kupca.



1. Order acknowledged- After placing the order, the customer receives a notification by e-mail that the order has been accepted.

 - in case there are any issues with the order fulfilment the provider may contact the customer by telephone or e-mail to verify the data or ensure the accuracy of delivery. The contract on the purchase of ordered items between the buyer and the provider is irrevocably concluded at this stage. 

3. Goods shipped - The provider prepares, and then sends the products within the agreed deadline and notifies the buyer by e-mail.


1. . Naročilo sprejeto/potrjeno – Po oddaji naročila kupec prejme potrdilo naročila  po elektronski pošti.

 –V primeru, da izdelki ne morejo biti odposlani v roku navedenem v sporočilu o naročilu, ponudnik lahko za preverjanje podatkov ali zagotavljanja točnosti dobave pokliče kupca na njegovo kontaktno telefonsko številko. Pogodba o nakupu naročenih artiklov med kupcem in ponudnikom je na tej stopnji nepreklicno sklenjena.

3. Blago odpremljeno – Ponudnik v dogovorjenem roku izdelke pripravi, odpošlje in o tem po elektronski pošti obvesti kupca.


Right of withdrawal from purchase, return of goods

The consumer has the right to notify the provider (e-mail ateljeduka[dot]web[at]gmail[dot]com) within 15 days of receiving the products that she is withdrawing from the contract, without having to state the reason for this decision. When the provider receives an electronic message (written notification) stating withdrawal from the contract of sale, the provider sends the consumer a message about the right to return the products and information about the conditions and method of exercising their rights.

The only cost borne by the consumer in connection with the withdrawal from the contract is the cost of returning the products (postage - shipping costs). The products must be returned to the provider no later than 30 days from the submitted notice of withdrawal from the contract (purchase). The received products must be returned undamaged and in unaltered quantity, unless the products are destroyed, damaged, lost or their quantity has decreased without the fault of the consumer. Refunds will be made as soon as possible, but no later than within 30 days from the day the provider receives the package with the returned products. Refunds are made to the bank account specified by the customer in the product return notice, including other personal data required to transfer the refund. 

The refund option does not apply to products that have been damaged by the customer due to negligent handling.

Pravica do odstopa od nakupa, vračilo blaga

Potrošnik ima pravico, da v 15 dneh od prevzema izdelkov ponudniku sporoči (na kontaktni e-naslov ateljeduka[dot]web[at]gmail[dot]com), da odstopa od pogodbe, ne da bi mu bilo treba navesti razlog za svojo odločitev. Ko ponudnik prejme elektronsko sporočilo o odstopu od pogodbe, ponudnik pošlje potrošniku sporočilo glede pravice vračila izdelkov ter informacije o pogojih in načinu izvršitve same pravice.

Edini strošek, ki bremeni potrošnika v zvezi z odstopom od pogodbe, je strošek vračila izdelkov (poštni stroški – strošek dostave). Izdelke je potrebno vrniti ponudniku najkasneje v roku 30 dni od oddanega sporočila o odstopu od pogodbe (nakupa). Prejete izdelke mora vrniti nepoškodovane in v nespremenjeni količini, razen če so izdelki uničeni, poškodovani, izgubljeni ali se je njihova količina zmanjšala, ne da bi bil za to kriv potrošnik. Vračilo vplačil bo izvedeno takoj, ko je to mogoče, najkasneje pa v roku 30 dni od dneva, ko ponudnik prejme paket z vrnjenimi izdelki. Vračila vplačil se vrši na TRR kupca, ki ga kupec navede v sporočilu o vračilu izdelkov, vključno z ostalimi osebnimi podatki, ki so potrebni za nakazilo vračila denarja.

Možnost vračila vplačila ne velja za izdelke, ki so bili poškodovani s strani kupca zaradi malomarnega ravnanja z njimi.


Protection of personal data

The provider undertakes to permanently protect all personal data of the consumer.

The provider keeps the IP addresses of all visitors to Atelje Duka for an indefinite period of time, and for registered members: name and surname, e-mail address, contact phone number, primary address and delivery addresses, country of residence, time and date of registration and archive of communication with the provider.

The provider will use personal data exclusively for the purpose of fulfilling the order (sending information material, offers, invoices) and other necessary communication.

Under no circumstances will the user's data be passed on to unauthorized persons.

Varovanje osebnih podatkov

Ponudnik se zavezuje k trajnemu varovanju vseh osebnih podatkov potrošnika.

Ponudnik za nedoločen čas hrani IP naslove vseh obiskovalcev Atelje Duka, pri registriranih članih pa še: ime in priimek, e-poštni naslov, kontaktni telefon, primarni naslov in naslove za dostavo, državo prebivališča, čas in datum registracije in arhiv komunikacije s ponudnikom.

Ponudnik bo osebne podatke uporabil izključno za potrebe izpolnitve naročila (pošiljanje informativnega gradiva, ponudb, računov) in ostalo potrebno komunikacijo.

Uporabnikovi podatki v nobenem primeru ne bodo predani nepooblaščenim osebam.



The provider will contact the registered user via means of distance communication, unless the registered user explicitly objects. Advertising emails will contain the following components: 

• will be clearly and unambiguously marked as advertising messages,

• the sender will be clearly visible, 

• Various campaigns, promotions and other marketing techniques will be marked as such. 

• clearly defined conditions for participation in them, 

• the method of unsubscribing from receiving advertising messages will be clearly presented, 

• Users not wishing to receive advertising messages will be respected by the provider.


Ponudnik bo z registriranim uporabnikom stopil v stik preko sredstev komunikacij na daljavo, razen če registrirani uporabnik temu izrecno ne nasprotuje.

Oglasna elektronska sporočila bodo vsebovala naslednje sestavine:

• jasno in nedvoumno bodo označena kot oglasna sporočila,

• pošiljatelj bo jasno razviden,

• različne akcije, promocije in druge tržne tehnike bodo označene kot takšne.

• Prav tako bodo:

• jasno določeni pogoji udeležbe v njih,

• jasno bo predstavljen način odjave od prejemanja oglasnih sporočil,

• željo uporabnika, da ne želi prejemati oglasnih sporočil, bo ponudnik izrecno spoštoval.


User product reviews / opinions / comments

Opinions or comments of users and reviews of products written by customers may be a part of the functionality of the store. The provider allows publication written by any user of the store, subject to provider review. The provider will not publish opinions or contributions that are in any way offensive, obscene or in the opinion of the provider do not offer benefits to other users and visitors.

By submitting an opinion or comment, the user expressly agrees to the terms of use and allows the provider to publish part or all of the text in all electronic and other media. The provider has the right to use the content indefinitely and for any purpose that is in the business interest of the provider, including publication in advertisements or other marketing communications. At the same time, the author of the opinion declares and guarantees that he is the owner of the material and asserts their moral right in relation to copyrights for the written opinions and comments, and that he transfers these rights to the provider non-exclusively and indefinitely. 

Mnenja/komentarji uporabnikov

Mnenja oziroma komentarji uporabnikov ter recenzije izdelkov, ki jih kupci napišejo, so del funkcionalnosti trgovine, ki so namenjene skupnosti uporabnikov. Ponudnik omogoča, da mnenje napiše katerikoli registrirani uporabnik trgovine, pred dokončno objavo pa jih ponudnik pregleda. Ponudnik ne bo objavil mnenj oziroma prispevkov, ki so kakorkoli žaljivi, obsceni ali po mnenju ponudnika ne nudijo koristi drugim uporabnikom in obiskovalcem.

Z oddajo mnenja ali komentarja se uporabnik izrecno strinja s pogoji uporabe in ponudniku dovoljuje objavo dela ali celotnega teksta v vseh elektronskih in drugih medijih. Ponudnik ima pravico vsebino uporabljati časovno neomejeno in za katerikoli namen, ki je v poslovnem interesu ponudnika, vključno z objavo v oglasih ali drugih marketinških komunikacijah. Avtor mnenja hkrati izjavlja in zagotavlja, da je lastnik materialnih in moralnih avtorskih pravic za napisana mnenja in komentarje ter da te pravice neizključno in časovno neomejeno prenaša na ponudnika.



The provider makes every effort to ensure the currency and accuracy of the information published on its pages. Nevertheless, product features, delivery time or price may change more rapidly than such changes can be made to the published information. In such a case, the provider will notify the customer of the changes and allow him to withdraw from the order or replace the ordered item.

The provider is not responsible for the content of opinions in articles written by visitors. Prior to publication, the provider reviews and rejects those that contain obvious untruths, are misleading or offensive. The provider is not responsible for the information in the reviews / opinions and disclaims any liability arising from the information in the opinions.

Although the provider strives to provide accurate photographs of the products sold, all photographs should be taken as symbolic. Because the products are the result of a unique hand-made product, they may differ in detail from the products in the photos, and the color tone of the product in the photos also depends on the settings of your computer. No two products are exactly alike.

The provider reserves the right to change the terms of business at any time and in any way, for any reason and without prior notice.

Odveza odgovornosti

Ponudnik se po svojih najboljših močeh trudi zagotoviti ažurnost in pravilnost podatkov, ki so objavljeni na njegovih straneh. Kljub temu, pa se lahko lastnosti izdelkov, rok dobave ali cena spremenijo tako hitro, da ponudnik ne uspe popraviti podatkov na spletnih straneh. V takem primeru, bo ponudnik kupca obvestil o spremembah in mu omogočil odstop od naročila ali zamenjavo naročenega artikla.

Ponudnik ne odgovarja za vsebino mnenj o artiklih, ki jih napišejo obiskovalci. Ponudnik mnenja pred objavo pregleda in zavrne tista, ki vsebujejo očitne neresnice, so zavajajoča ali žaljiva. Ponudnik ne odgovarja za informacije v mnenjih in se odvezuje kakršnekoli odgovornosti, ki izvira iz informacij v mnenjih.

Čeprav se ponudnik trudi zagotoviti natančne fotografije prodajnih izdelkov, je potrebno vse fotografije jemati kot simbolične. Ker so izdelki plod unikatne ročne izdelave, lahko v detajlih odstopajo od izdelkov na fotografijah, ton barve izdelka na fotografijah je odvisen tudi od nastavitev vašega računalnika. Niti dva izdelka si med seboj nista popolnoma enaka.

Ponudnik si pridržuje pravico, da pogoje poslovanja spremeni kadarkoli in na kakršenkoli način, ne glede na razlog in brez predhodnega opozorila.


Complaints and disputes

The provider complies with applicable consumer protection legislation. The provider makes every effort to fulfill their duty to deal effectively with complaints. In the case of any problems, the customer can contact the provider by phone or e-mail. Complaints can be submitted via e-mail at ateljeduka[dot]web[at]gmail[dot]com. The appeal procedure is confidential.

The provider is aware that the essential feature of a consumer dispute, at least as far as judicial settlement is concerned, is the disproportion between the economic value of the claim and the costs incurred in resolving the dispute itself. This is also the main obstacle to the consumer not initiating a dispute in court. Therefore, the provider strives to the best of its ability to resolve any disputes amicably.

Pritožbe in spori

Ponudnik spoštuje veljavno zakonodajo o varstvu potrošnikov. Ponudnik se po vseh močeh trudi izpolnjevati svojo dolžnost učinkovitega obravnavanja pritožb, v primeru težav,  se kupec lahko poveže telefonsko ali po elektronski pošti s ponudnikom. Pritožba se odda prek e-poštnega naslova ateljeduka[dot]web[at]gmail[dot]com. Postopek obravnave pritožbe je zaupen.

Ponudnik se zaveda, da je bistvena značilnost potrošniškega spora, vsaj kar zadeva sodno reševanje, njegova nesorazmernost med ekonomsko vrednostjo zahtevka in stroški, ki nastanejo pri reševanju samega spora. To je tudi glavna ovira, da potrošnik ne sproži spora pred sodiščem. Zato se ponudnik prizadeva po svojih najboljših močeh, da se morebitni spori rešijo sporazumno.